Bruges Excursion – a Preserved Old City


bruges-castle-on-water-stu-1Bruges is a living, working fairy tale.  It is the capital city of West Flanders in northern Belgium, is under water and very, very old. Homes built on bridges spanning canals are common in the city.  Dehumidifiers must sell at a premium since living spaces are frequently only a few feet above working canals20160428_bruges_joan3_0001.






20160428_Bruges_tour_guide_0185We enjoyed following the lollipop tour guides. Theywere uniformly knowledgable of the cities they guided, joining our group for a single city tour and departing at the end. Several paces were offered, easy walkers, us, and strenuous walkers. Our various tours involved quite a lot of walking, easy by Bruges standards, but strenuous by our relaxed lifestyle.  After the first trip or so, no one signed up for the more strenuous walking.

Bruges also has a sense of humor.Briuges canal boat band-3





The city is known for Belgian Chocolate and fresh finger pastries.  Fortunately, it is also known for lovely walks and breathtaking engineering interlaced with scenic beauty.
Every canal is ringed with homes, shops and working buildings. Whatever passes for zoning serves to keep the people close to their places of work, ensuring walking and bicycles remain the dominant public transportation.


Briuges canal boat band-5 1579 was a good year for old buildings.  This structure has living quarters and a retail shop contained within its well preserved beauty.



Music was everywhere.  While the instruments were unusual by United States standards, the classical music they played is well known to us and was, after all, written near where they are playing the sounds.  Lovely street band.20160428_bruges_joan_0004Tourists and residents gather in the main town square.
20160428_bruges_joan_0001The churches were magnificent.